We are going to talk about an important topic called Rcm Nutricharge DHA. We will talk about it in full detail, we will know that why this product is so important for us, together we will also discuss Rcm Nutricharge DHA Benefits and learn about its many benefits and will do a special discussion on ingredients used in it.
Let us first know what it is DHA and why Rcm Nutricharge use it in their products.
Nutricharge DHA
The full name of DHA is docosahexaenoic acid, which is a type of omega-3 fatty acid. It can be obtained from alpha-linolenic acid or directly from mother’s milk or fish oil or algae. It is the primary structural component of the human brain, cerebral cortex (inner part of the brain), skin and retina, it means this DHA molecule is used to develop the brain, skin, retina etc. part of the foetus.
Giving omega-3 fatty acids to women with foods during pregnancy leads to proper development of their foetus. The International Society has found that 400 mg of DHA/day is necessary for women who are pregnant and have sedation. For women on time days, this amount is fixed at 45–115 mg.

DHA manufactured by algae is a vegetarian product and competes with fish oil in the market. It includes EPA like omega- 3. The amount of DHA in a vegetarian diet is very small. Algae-based DHA has now also bridged this gap. Breast milk is not sufficient to replenish DHA in the developing foetus.
So, this was some information about DHA, now we will talk about Rcm Nutricharge DHA and will know how it is different from molecule products: –
Rcm Nutricharge DHA
Rcm Nutricharge DHA is a great product that fulfil the need of DHA in women. You already know what DHA is. Omega-3 fatty acid is very helpful in developing the brain structure and it occurs when the foetus is developing in the mother’s body. Therefore, women should start taking it only when they have decided to conceive.
Many types of elements are needed to keep our body healthy and one of them is Omega. Just like the body needs vitamins, minerals, protein etc., the body also needs omega fatty acids.
There are three types of omega- omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9. But we will talk about omega-3 fatty acids that are polyunsaturated fatty acids. These are of two types- DHA and EPA. The body cannot make it itself; we should take it with our food. Omega- 3 is responsible for making many hormones in the body, as well as helps in the formation of blood clots and most importantly it is also helpful in the development of brain, skin and retina.
Rcm Nutricharge DHA is vegetarian made entirely of seaweed. Now most of the people in India are vegetarian, they do not like to eat the fish oil found in the market, so Rcm Business has brought this Rcm Nutricharge DHA which removes DHA deficiency in women and fully develops the child.
Although DHA is also present in mother’s milk, but still, it is not enough for the complete development of the baby. According to scientists, at least 400 mg DHA/day is necessary for pregnant women because whatever food or DHA the mother will receive, the child will get it through the placenta (a specific structure connecting mother and child).
Rcm Nutricharge DHA is a wedge soft capsule made from patented carrageenan. It contains about 400 mg element DHA which is specially formulated for pregnant women. Consumption of one capsule of Rcm Nutricharge DHA daily is sufficient for pregnant and lactating women.
Additional read : Rcm Jeera
This was the information about Rcm Nutricharge DHA. Now we will talk about Rcm Nutricharge DHA benefits, that how this product is beneficial for us.
Nutricharge DHA Benefits
The most important element of Oemga-3 is DHA. It participates in the entire development of the foetus in the mother’s womb. Many doctors and scientists have proved that pregnant women and lactating women are required to take at least 400 mg of DHA per day.
It has often been seen that people do not take care of their diet and many people do not have knowledge of omega and DHA so they do not get sufficient amount of DHA. That’s why Rcm Nutricharge has brought this excellent product Nutricharge DHA which fulfils the deficiency of DHA in your body. It is completely vegetarian, both vegetarian and non-vegetarian can eat it.

DHA eliminates the risk of premature delivery of the baby and at the same time it also helps in increasing the weight of the baby, it enhances the baby’s eyes and brain development and its ability.
Beneficial for skin: It makes your skin soft, full of moisture and wrinkle free. This prevents our skin from getting dehydrated. Prevents acne on the skin as well as protects the skin from the harmful rays of the sun.
Benefit for the baby during pregnancy: During pregnancy, the body of women remains disease-free due to the use of DHA, as well as it helps in the development of skin, retina and brain of the baby.
Protection against heart diseases: Nowadays almost every person suffers from heart diseases. Omega 3 fatty acid is beneficial for such patients. Heart related diseases can be avoided with regular intake of Nutricharge DHA.
Get rid of obesity: Weight loss can be significantly reduced by the consumption of omega-3 fatty acids and DHA. This is quite beneficial for those who like to go to the gym.
Beneficial for the eyes: DHA starts the work of forming the part of the eyes from the fetal stage, it is very responsible for making the eye retina. If an adult consumes it, then this DHA can protect you from eye diseases.
Reduces High Blood Pressure: High blood pressure can be controlled by DHA from the intake of Rcm Nutricharge DHA and at the same time it increases the level of good cholesterol HDL.
Removes blood related problems: Blood clots that start forming inside the body can be very harmful, so this DHA prevents blood clots from forming as well as reduces inflammation and keeps the arteries functioning.
Autoimmune disease relief: According to the National Institutes of Health, immunity from this disease weakens and the healthy cells of the body start reaching Nixon. Type 1 diabetes is a prime example. In this, insulin production in the pancreas stops. All these can be avoided by the use of DHA.
Relieving mental illnesses: People who are struggling with psychiatric illnesses may lack omega 3 fatty acids. With this, forgetting diseases can also cause Alzheimer’s intestinal disease.
Cancer prevention: Omega 3 fatty acids are used for cancer. Many researches have found that people who consume omega 3 in high amounts reduce their chances of getting cancer by 55 percent.
Breast and prostate cancer prevention: Breast cancer is now common in women and prostate cancer in men. To avoid this, you should consume appropriate amounts of DHA -rich food.
Prevention of Asthma: To get rid of severe lung disease such as asthma, many physicians also recommend eating rich omega and DHA. It eliminates lung infections.
Reduce liver fat: DHA is also helpful in reducing unwanted liver weight. It is also effective in relieving liver inflammation.
Prevention of bone diseases: Osteoporosis or arthritis has become common disease now a days. Omega 3 completes calcium deficiency in bones as well as keeps bones healthy. According to patients taking DHA, it also reduces joint pain.
Strengthens the body: Consumption ofRcm Nutricharge DHA strengthens muscles. It also eliminates body tightness.
So, these were Nutricharge DHA benefits. Now we will talk about Rcm Nutricharge DHA price: –
Nutricharge DHA Price
Talk about the Nutricharge DHA Price, it will be available to you for only Rs 1350, you can take it from your nearest Rcm Pick Up Centre. In this, you will get 2 packs in a box, in which 15 pills will be from this Rcm Nutricharge DHA, however it has been prepared for a full month.
Now we will talk about who should consume this Rcm Nutricharge DHA.
Who should consume Nutricharge DHA?
Talk about its consumption, it should be done by every woman who is pregnant or has conceived. Because this Rcm Nutricharge DHA contains a significant amount of DHA which is an important source for the mental and physical development of the child.

- All women who are planning to conceive should consume it.
- Pregnant women must consume it.
- Lactating women must also consume it because mother’s milk already contains DHA, but it is capable of full development of the baby, so breastfeeding women must consume it.
In this article you have read what is Rcm Nutricharge DHA and you have been exposed to its many benefits. Also, we read why it is so important for us, especially for women.
We hope that you have found this article informative and that you should definitely take benefit from it, as well as share it with your friends and further relatives and make sure to consume Rcm Nutricharge DHA in your home.