Today we are going to discuss about the one of the best RCM products i.e., Nutricharge Man. We will tell you about the Nutricharge Man daily health supplement, Nutricharge man benefits, its review and price.
We will also discuss about Nutricharge man ingredients and composition. Some of the Nutricharge man side effects also will be discussed.
Nutricharge man daily health supplement is specially designed for man to give them energy and keep them active all the day. Now let’s discuss about the Nutricharge man tablets in detail.
Nutricharge man
Nowadays, in this fast-paced life, the condition of the common man is getting worse every day. Because we are not able to pay much attention to our food and living habits.
But if a person does not adapt himself to the world, then he will be left behind. So now people need more energy in less time so that they can give their best at their work place.
That’s why the Nutricharge man daily heath supplement is designed. It is a balance diet which contains all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals which is necessary for our body.
If there is a deficiency of any kind of nutrients in your body, then you must use this Rcm product, you will see results in a few days.

Nutricharge Man comes in the form of small tablets and a total of 30 tablets will be available in a box i.e., a full course for one month, which you can easily accomplish. Nutricharge Man price is only 375 rupees.
It has been made keeping in view the circumstances of today. Nowadays, any person easily becomes a victim of any disease because the body is not getting proper diet and the immune system gets weakened, due to which we become vulnerable to some disease every day.
That’s why you should use these tablets as your daily health supplement. Now let’s talk about Nutricharge Man tablets benefits, and what are the Nutricharge man ingredients.
Nutricharge Man Benefits
Friends, now in this topic we will tell you why you need to take the Nutricharge man as your daily health supplement.
Nutricharge man consist of 15 minerals, 13 vitamins, 3 amino acid and 4 botanicals which provide your number of benefits which result keeping your health good as well as improve your immune system to fight against the number of viruses and bacteria.

We will tell you about the Nutricharge man benefits in detail. Let’s have the look on the following Nutricharge man benefits:
Boost Immunity: There are 13 vitamins, 15 minerals, 3 amino acids and 4 botanicals are present in Nutricharge man. Vitamins and minerals like Zinc, Iron, Vitamin A, C, and botanicals like Beta-carotene, green tea extract, etc. present in Nutricharge man helps in improving your immunity.
Guys, you all know, how much nowadays you need to boost your immunity to fight against powerful viruses. Only strong immune system can protect you and make you healthy.
Make Blood Cells: Iron, Vitamin B12 are important for blood. These vitamins and minerals are present in Nutricharge man and helps in making the red blood cells in your body.
As a result, it helps in keeping your heart heathy. In today’s world, full of pollution our body is not able to make blood cells properly, which result in bad health of our heart.
But Nutricharge man which is a daily heath supplement for man helps in making red blood cells in your body and keep your heart healthy and fit.
Improve Eye Sight: Guys, in today’s digital world, we all are busy on working, studying, and enjoying on the digital screens like laptops, smart phones and T.V etc. Due to which our eyes are badly affected.
So, its high time to think for our eyes health and to cure them. Nutricharge man have Beta-carotene, vitamin A which are beneficial for the eyes and it enhances the eyesight and also prevents diseases occurring in the eyes.
Brain Health: Nutricharge man tablet benefits also consist improving your brain health and helps in developing nerve cells. Green tea extract and vitamin B1,12, potassium, sodium is all helpful in the development of nerve cells and brain.
Nutricharge man helps in improving your mental health also. It also makes memory sharp and which help you in remembering all things.
Keep Heart Healthy: Guys generally we don’t care about our heart health. We don’t even think of it. We just eat deep fried food in oil or ghee, which increase bad cholesterol in our body which badly affect our heart.
So, to purify our blood cell and decrease bad cholesterol we need to take some antioxidants and vitamins like green tea extract, vitamin C, E, lycopene, folic acid which is beneficial for the heart. These all vitamins and antioxidants are present in Nutricharge man.
That’s why it is known as a daily health supplement for man to keep your external as well as internal body healthy.
Anti-aging: Nutricharge man benefits also consist the anti-aging factor. Antioxidants present in Nutricharge man helps in keeping your skin healthy and attached to your muscles and also helps in removing wreaking from your face skin as a result we can say that Nutricharge man tablets act as an anti-aging agent for you.
Also, it helps in solving number of your skin problems and moisturize your skin and solving the problem of dry skin form which many of us suffers as well as it also helps in removing extra oil from face which have oily skin.
Bones and Joints: Nutricharge man consist of number of vitamins and minerals which provides you calcium and phosphorus. These helps in making your bones and joints strong.
Guys, in our childhood we all have drunk milk because it provides us calcium which make our bones strong but in elder age, we not drink milk, due to which there is a lack of calcium in our body. So, to fulfil that need Nutricharge man is here.
You will get plenty of calcium and phosphorus in this Nutricharge Man for the development of bones. Old man must take Nutricharge man as a daily supplement in their diet because they generally suffer from the problem like weak bones and joint pains due to lack of calcium.
So, Nutricharge man will help them in making their bones strong and solving the problem of joint pain.
Increase Energy Level: Nutricharge man increase energy level in your body. Vitamins and minerals present in it, helps you to feel energetic all the day and work with full power. So, that you can give your best at your work place.
Nowadays, generally people feel lazier and low energetic, due to which you are not able to give your best at your work place. So, you should start taking Nutricharge man which increase your energy level.
Best Supplement for your body: Nutricharge man contains number of minerals and vitamins, so whatever the shortcomings of your diet, it fulfills all the deficiencies, so that your body always has immunity, there is always energy in your body, you can always work like very young.
Improve Digestive System: The biggest Nutricharge Man tablets benefits is that it plays a huge role in the digestion process in your body. Guys, good digestive system is very important to be health.
If your digestive system is not good enough, it fills not absorb all the nutrients from your food, which you will eat. So, it is very important to keep your digestive system good, so that you can take all the nutrients from your food.
Hair Growth: Nutricharge man tablets benefits also consist of solving your hair problems like dry scalp, hair fall, grey hairs, etc. Nutricharge man consist all the necessary nutrients which help you to protect your hairs as well as helps in increasing your hairs.
Additonal Read : Nutricharge S5
So, guys these were the major benefits of Nutricharge man tablets. There are number of other benefits of it, once you fill start taking it as your daily health supplement, you fill see its number of benefits. Now friends, let’s move further and discuss about the Nutricharge man ingredients.
Nutricharge Man Ingredients
Guys, as told above, Nutricharge man contains 13 vitamins, 4 botanicals, 3 amino acids and 15 minerals. Now in this topic we will discuss about these ingredients in details. So, let’s start.
Botanicals: It means the nutrients extracted from plants. 4 types of botanicals have been used in RCM for Nutricharge Man tablets which are as follows.
Lutein: It acts as an antioxidant in the body. Generally found in the special plants which protect plant from the solar radiations. Lutein is present in the Nutricharge man and protect our eyes.
Beta-carotene: It is found in abundance in carrots. It is also beneficial for our eyes. It also acts as antioxidant in our body and purify our body.

Lycopene: Lycopene is another botanical contained in Nutricharge man. It is found in tomatoes. It provides number of benefits to our body like balances blood pressure, keeps bones healthy, reduce bad cholesterol and maintain blood sugar level, etc.
Green Tea Extract: It is extracted from tea leaves. Nutricharge man consist green tea extract. It acts as antioxidants. It purifies our blood and clear our digestive system.
In today’s time we eat very much fast food due to which our digestive system gets affected, so to purify and clear junk food from our good, we need some antioxidants, so we need to take green tea extract to purify our body.
Protein (amino acids): Protein is made up of amino acids. These cannot be made by the body itself; this can be done only by sending it. There are 3 types of amino acids used in Rcm Nutricharge Man which are as follows.
Lysine: It is amino acids present in Nutricharge man; it helps in wound healing. It also helps in calcium absorption in your body. We all knows that we need calcium to make our bones strong, so to absorb calcium from the food properly we need to take some lysine protein to absorb calcium properly.
Methionine: It is a natural amino acid present in Nutricharge man. It helps in detoxifying internal body, removes harmful substances from our body. It is also beneficial for our eye sight. Protect your immune system as well as boost it.
Arginine: It is a necessary protein which our body needed to protect our heart. It is very beneficial for our heart. It reduces bad cholesterol and maintain good cholesterol in our body. You require to take Nutricharge man as a daily health supplement.
Vitamins: These are organic substances which are taken through food because the body is not able to make them. 13 types of vitamins have been used in Nutricharge Man which are as follows:
Vitamin A: It protects us from night blindness. Vitamin A is also increasing our eyesight.
Vitamin – B1: It is known as thiamine. It helps in digesting glucose.
Vitamin – B2: It is known as riboflavin which is beneficial for the eyes.
Vitamin – B3: It is known as niacin and it is beneficial for digestion and skin.
Vitamin – B5: Another name for Vitamin B5 is pantothenic acid. Vitamin B5 is beneficial for digestive system because it contains carbohydrates and proteins.
Vitamin – B6: It is known as pyridoxine. Helps to make red blood cells.
Vitamin – B7: It is known as biotin. Helps to digest fats and amino acids.
Vitamin – B9: Another name for Vitamin B9 is folic acid which helps in making DNA.
Vitamin – B12: It is known as cyanocobalamin. It strengthens our mental power.
Vitamin – C: You will find it in citrus foods and fruits, it protects us from scurvy disease and increases our immunity.
Vitamin – D: You get it from direct sunlight and gets directly involved in the body. It protects us from Ricketts’ disease.
Vitamin – E: It improves the skin and immunity system. It helps in solving many skin problems.
Vitamin K: It is responsible for the development of bones.
Minerals: These are the smallest elements which are needed by our body in very small quantities. 15 types of minerals have been used in Rcm Nutricharge Man which are as follows.
Sodium: Sodium is very important for our body and for our mental health. Salt is an important source of sodium. Tantric cells are important for muscles also.
Magnesium: Essential in energy production.
Phosphorus: Essential for DNA. It is required for the outer layer of the cell.
Sulfur: Important for DNA.
Calcium: Friends you all knows that milk is a great source of calcium which is very important for our bones. But in our older age there is generally deficiency of calcium in our body. So Nutricharge man fulfill this need in our body.
Potassium: Potassium id very important for our nerve cells and muscles. That’s why it is important for our brain.
Chromium: Nutricharge man have chromium which help us in controlling sugar level in our blood.
Manganese: Manganese helps in removing muscle pain and for relaxing our muscle.
Iron: Guys, you all knows that Iron is an important element for our human body whereas generally we see deficiency of Iron in most of humans. So, Nutricharge man tablets is a good source of iron which is required for hemoglobin and red blood cells.
Cobalt: Cobalt present in Nutricharge man helps in absorption of Vitamin B.
Nickel: Nickel is present in Nutricharge man as a form of mineral and it increases hormonal activity.
Copper: Copper is also important for our body. It helps in producing RBC (Red Blood Cell) in our body which is beneficial for our heart health. So, we can say that Nutricharge man helps in making red blood cells.
Zinc: Zine is an important element for our body. It is important to protect our immune system and it also boost your immunity.
Chlorine: It helps in maintaining all the acid in your body. Chlorine controls all the acid in the stomach which also keep your digestive system good and increase your potential to absorb vitamins and minerals.
Boron: It is a necessary mineral which is important for our body. It is beneficial for bones. It makes your bones strong and increase your bones.
So, friends these were the Nutricharge man ingredients. Hope you understood them in detail. And now we will discuss about Nutricharge man side effects.
Nutricharge man side effects
Dizziness: Nutricharge man may have side-effect in which you may have to suffer dizziness. In dizziness you will feel like lightheaded and unbalanced. It can happen due to over dose. Also, normally it can happen. It is a common Nutricharge man side effect.
Fast heartbeat: General this side effect of Nutricharge man is seen in old age man. Because of old age, men are not able to digest or absorb all the vitamins and minerals and due to so much minerals and vitamins, generally fast heartbeat problem are seen.
High blood pressure: Same as fast heartbeat problem, it is also seen in old age men. The reason is the same, because of so many vitamins and minerals, their digestive system gets overloaded and can cause high blood pressure.
Irritability: Generally, this Nutricharge man side effect is seen in some people. Because they have some allergy from one or more mineral, due to which irritability is caused. Also, sometimes, when you newly started taking Nutricharge man daily health supplement then in starting you may suffer from this problem.
Muscle twitching: Normally it is seen in many people, in the starting time. There is a contraction between your muscles.
Restlessness: It is another Nutricharge man side effect which is commonly happens to some people. when you newly started taking Nutricharge man daily health supplement then in starting you may suffer from this problem.
Swelling of feet: Another commonly seen Nutricharge man side effect is swelling on your feet or on your lower leg. Generally seen when you have allergy from one of the ingredients of Nutricharge man.
Weakness: Weakness generally not seen. But it may get to some people after taking Nutricharge man tablets in starting time. Some people may feel lazy and weakness. But in some time, you will get alright and start feeling energetic.
Puffy eyelids: Due to Nutricharge man many times there is puffiness i.e., mild swelling in our eyes, due to which our face starts looking tired and sick.
Due to swelling around eyes your face also looks like stressed and tensioned. Sometimes it increases to such an extent that even mascara and makeup cannot hide it.
Additional Read : Rcm Marketing Plan
Guys, these were some Nutricharge man tablets side effect which are commonly seen and they are normal. But if you face some other side effect then you should take doctor’s perception. Now let’s move further guys.
Nutricharge man review
It is a balance diet which contains all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals which is necessary for our body. If there is a deficiency of any kind of nutrients in your body, then you must use this Rcm product, you will see results in a few days.

Nutricharge man contains 13 vitamins, 15 minerals, 3 amino acids and 4 botanicals. Nutricharge Man comes in the form of small tablets and a total of 30 tablets will be available in a box i.e., a full course for one month, which you can easily accomplish.
Nutricharge Man price is only 375 rupees. All over it is a great product by RCM. It has number of health benefits which keep you healthy and active all the time. Whereas it also has some side effect which are normal and get alright in a small time.
Customers have given 4 stars out of 5 stars to Nutricharge man tablets on the online purchase websites. Now let’s move further and discuss about the RCM Nutricharge price.
Nutricharge man Price
Guys, next we will tell you about the RCM Nutricharge man prevailing price. Every one of you would have question in your mind that what is the RCM Nutricharge man price? Then don’t worry we will tell you RCM Nutricharge man price.
RCM Nutricharge Man- 1 box (30 tablets) | Price (In rupees) |
M.R.P. at RCM website | ₹375 |
DP | ₹300 |
BV | ₹225 |
Additional Read : Rcm Product Price List
Nutricharge man composition
Now guys, we will tell you about the composition of the Nutricharge man tablets. We will tell you how much quantity of an ingredient is there in a Nutricharge man tablet.
From the following table you will easily get about the Nutricharge man composition per tablet.
Nutricharge man Composition (Approx. value) | Per Serving Per Tablet (contains) |
Energy | 2.732 kcal |
Protein | 0.212g |
Carbohydrate | 0.381g |
Sugar | 0.000g |
Fat | 0.039g |
Friends in today’s article we discussed about the Nutricharge man tablets. This is an Rcm product specially designed for the physical development of men.
It is also available for women but we will discuss that later. It is a completely nutrient packed product which contain the essential nutrients for a man’s body such as protein carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants etc. in abundance.
Hope you understood about its benefits, ingredients and its side effect. If you really enjoyed today’s article and found the above information useful then share this article with your friends and family and help them to know about the Nutricharge man tablets.
FAQ Related with Nutricharge Man
Now let’s discuss some question related to our today’s product i.e., Nutricharge man.
Q.1. Nutricharge man vs Revital compare?
Following table is specially designed to easily understand the comparison between Revital vs Nutricharge man. Following values are approx. and consider upon one unit of each.
S.NO. | Nutrients | Revital | Nutricharge Man |
1. | Vitamin A | 600 mcg | 533 mcg |
2. | Vitamin C | 40 mg | 40 mg |
3. | Vitamin D | 5 mcg | 5 mcg |
4. | Vitamin E | 5 mg | 7.353 mg |
5. | Vitamin K1 | None | 55 mcg |
6. | Vitamin B1 | 1 mg | 1.5 mg |
7. | Vitamin B2 | 1.5 mg | 1.7 mg |
8. | Vitamin B6 | 1 mg | 1.5 mg |
9. | Vitamin B12 | 1 mcg | 1 mcg |
10. | Vitamin B3 (Niacin) | 10 mg | 20 mg |
11. | Vitamin B9 (Folic acid) | 120 mcg | 200 mcg |
12. | Vitamin B7 (Biotin) | None | 30 mcg |
13. | Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid) | 5 mg | 5 mg |
14. | Calcium | 75 mg | 75 mg |
15. | Iron | 17 mg | 10 mg |
16. | Phosphorus | 58 mg | 50 mg |
17. | Iodine | 100 mcg | 150 mcg |
18. | Magnesium | 3 mg | 25 mg |
19. | Zinc | 10 mg | 15 mg |
18. | Copper | 0.5 mg | 2 mg |
19. | Manganese | 0.5 mg | 2 mg |
20. | Potassium | 2 mg | 40 mg |
21. | Energy | 4.23 kcal | 2.723 kcal |
22. | Protein | 0.02 g | 0.212 g |
23. | Fat | 0.2 g | 0.039 g |
24. | Green tea extract | None | 50 mg |
25. | Beta-Carotene | None | 1.3 mg |
26. | Price comparison (M.R.P.) | Rs. 300 per pack (30 tablets) | Rs. 375 per pack (30 tablets) |
Q.2. What is RCM Nutricharge man?
Nutricharge Man is one of the best products by RCM. It is specially designed for men. It is a daily health supplement. It comes in the form of tablets which are chocolate flavoured.
It is a balance diet which contains all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals which is necessary for our body. It contains 13 vitamins, 15 minerals, 3 ammino acid and 4 botanicals.
If there is a deficiency of any kind of nutrients in your body, then you must use this Rcm product, you will see results in a few days.
Nutricharge Man comes in the form of small tablets and a total of 30 tablets will be available in a box i.e., a full course for one month, which you can easily accomplish. Nutricharge Man price is only 375 rupees.
Q.3. What are the Nutricharge Man tablet benefits?
Following listed are some of the major Nutricharge man tablets benefits.
Boost Immunity: Vitamins and minerals like Zinc, Iron, Vitamin A, C, and botanicals like Beta-carotene, green tea extract, etc. present in Nutricharge man helps in improving your immunity.
Make Blood Cells: Iron, Vitamin B12 are important for blood. These vitamins and minerals are present in Nutricharge man and helps in making the red blood cells in your body. As a result, it helps in keeping your heart heathy.
Improve Eye Sight: Guys, in today’s digital world, we all are busy on working, studying, and enjoying on the digital screens like laptops, smart phones and T.V etc. Due to which our eyes are badly affected. So, its high time to think for our eyes health and to cure them.
Brain Health: Nutricharge man tablet benefits also consist improving your brain health and helps in developing nerve cells.
Keep Heart Healthy: Guys generally we don’t care about our heart health. We don’t even think of it. We just eat deep fried food in oil or ghee, which increase bad cholesterol in our body which badly affect our heart. So, to purify our blood cell and decrease bad cholesterol we need to take some antioxidants and vitamins like green tea extract.
Anti-aging: Nutricharge man benefits also consist the anti-aging factor. Antioxidants present in Nutricharge man helps in keeping your skin healthy and attached to your muscles and also helps in removing wreaking from your face skin.
Bones and Joints: Nutricharge man consist of number of vitamins and minerals which provides you calcium and phosphorus. These helps in making your bones and joints strong.
Increase Energy Level: Nutricharge man increase energy level in your body. Vitamins and minerals present in it, helps you to feel energetic all the day and work with full power. So, that you can give your best at your work place.
Best Supplement for your body: Nutricharge man contains number of minerals and vitamins, so whatever the shortcomings of your diet, it fulfills all the deficiencies, so that your body always has immunity, there is always energy in your body, you can always work like very young.
Improve Digestive System: The biggest Nutricharge Man tablets benefits is that it plays a huge role in the digestion process in your body. Guys, good digestive system is very important to be health.
Hair Growth: Nutricharge man tablets benefits also consist of solving your hair problems like dry scalp, hair fall, grey hairs, etc. Nutricharge man consist all the necessary nutrients which help you to protect your hairs as well as helps in increasing your hairs.